Administración y TIC

miércoles, enero 23, 2008

The wire, season 4

Acabo de terminar la cuarta temporada de la mejor serie de televisión que uno puede ver ahora mismo "The Wire". Trece capítulos increíbles donde se tocan todo tipo de temas, con el mismo hilo argumental: la corrupción política, el mundo de las drogas, la enseñanza o el periodismo, con un montón de personajes complejos que no son ni buenos ni malos.
The first season of 'The Wire' (2002) concentrated on the often-futile efforts of police to infiltrate a West Baltimore drug ring headed by Avon Barksdale and his lieutenant, Stringer Bell. In Seasons Two and Three, as the Barksdale investigation escalated, new storylines involving pressures on the working class and the city's political leadership were introduced. Season Four focused on the stories of several young boys in the public school system, struggling with problems at home and the lure of the corner - set against the rise of a new drug empire in West Baltimore and a new Mayor in City Hall.
HBO: The Wire

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publicado por Xoan at 5:50 a. m.


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